Science Of Utra- Ditch the gels?

An episode of Science of Ultra Podcast by Shawn Bearden with Rafal Nazarewicz, founder of Spring Sports Nutrition. In this episode, Shawn talked with Rafal about the beginning of Spring and science behind Spring products.
Shawn is a full Professor of physiology at Idaho State University. His B.S. is in Sports Medicine from the University of Virginia, he holds a M.S. in Exercise Science & Health Promotion from George Mason University, PhD is in Exercise Physiology from Florida State University, and he completed three years of postdoctoral fellowship research at the Yale University School of Medicine. He co-authored the chapter in the American College of Sports Medicine graduate-level textbook on skeletal muscle blood flow control and has published many peer-reviewed studies. His research in exercise physiology has focused on bioenergetics, with an emphasis on gas exchange kinetics (oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production) and transitions in exercise intensity around physiologic thresholds.
Shawn has no affiliation with Spring Sports Nutrition but really likes the idea of eating real food, in realistic combinations, because that is exactly what our guts are used to and have evolved to handle.
He used Spring products exclusively during a 100-miler earlier this year and was able to eat well for about twice as long as usual before it became less appealing.
Hey Gavin, Thanks for the comment! The most important thing is to keep overall numbers for macronutrients. A single dose doesn’t matter! The ratio you are talking about it is an old approach to nutrition. Now, we know that supplying proteins is important in long time spam. You should look at daily consumption, not in one portion, one meal, one dose. It is irrelevant for your metabolism.
Hope it helps!
Hey Spring! Really great to see positive advocate for real food fueling in athletics, especially in endurance sport! I appreciate it! I have a quick question though. I was looking at the Mcrae-covery option, and notice the carb:protein ration on label is 2:1. Research tends to promote 4:1 (even some tout 5:1) carb:protein ratio for endurance. Can you talk me through your rationale and decision for your macro %tages? Please and thank you! as a sports dietitian/chef and endurance athlete, I like to support athletes with whole/real food fueling options, but want to make sure I encourage them appropriately! Thank you! I used to live in Boulder and miss it terrrriiiibbbbly! Thank you again! -Gavin
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